Friday, August 21, 2009

The Sarcoid is GONE!!

That's right!! The owner of the stable where I board Bear called around 3 to tell me that she had just gone and checked on Bear and his leg was bloody. She walked him out of the stall to find that the sarcoid had fallen off. She hosed him off and gave me a call. We were told what would be left is this brain looking tissue and a hole where the root of the sarcoid had been attached. If you look at the photos that pretty much describes what you see. The owner of the stable and I are amazed!! We took Bear's temperature and it was normal. He is eating, drinking, peeing and pooping as any normal horse would do. He does not seem to be in any distress.

As advised, I slavered the, "Wound and Hoof cream" on the area where the sarcoid was attached and put Bear back into his stall. We have decided to keep him in the barn during the day when the flies are at their worse. We are going to let him out at night giving him a chance to graze. But, in the meantime he will have all the hay and water he wants while he chills out in the fly free stall of the barn. lol

Thank you so much Burt for all your help. I have to tell you folks, Burt has held my hand every step of the way. Not only do you get get his wonderful product but, you get a little of him as well. When EVER! I had a question he would ALWAYS! returned my call and he was more then willing to give me an answer.

Today when I was told the sarcoid had fallen off, I picked up the phone and called Burt to tell him. This man was just as excited as we were. He kept telling me, "Miss Penny, this stuff will work". LOL and it did. This is the first time in over a year this thing has not been hanging down pulling on Bear's skin. It's not from the lack of trying, trust me. I have working with my vet. for almost 9 months with no results until today. Thank you Burt, God Bless You!!! I praise the lord that you were brought into my life. You have saved my horses life and for that I will never be able to repay you. Please know Burt, there will always be a special place for you in my heart and in my prayers.

Folks, this stuff really works. Bear is living proof. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me,
We have a lot to rejoice about

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